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PIAA manufacture high performance lamp systems and accessories for all motoring and motorsport applications.

Established in 1963, PIAA has forged a reputation for top quality and continuous product innovation, improving visibility and safety for drivers all over the world



LED 6000K
Super LED

Turn & Reversing


Bike Headlights

Hyper Arros 4000K

Hyper Arros 6000K


Night Tech
Super LED

Hyper Arros

Xtreme White Plus


Super LED

Xtreme White

Hyper Arros 5000K

Hyper Arros Yellow

Stratos Blue

Application Guide:

Vehicle Make

PIAA bulbs are scientifically engineered using the latest technology to produce the highest quality and advanced bulbs on the market today. As well as a market leader in the automotive industry, PIAA lighting are official technical partners to some of the leading motor sport teams in the world including Ford, Subaru, Skoda & Mitsubishi world rally teams.

PIAA Design Features:
- High quality heat resistant glass
- Welded focus ring that assures correct positioning
- Provides brighter and whiter light for less power
- One piece filament support allows correct support and positioning
- A metal bond holds the glass tube, preventing cracks and leaks

Power draw: An electrical system that cannot provide the required power is a common cause for premature bulb failure in vehicles. A major factor to why when fitting extremely high wattage bulbs does not improve the brightness the lights ! PIAA's unique application of technology allow their bulbs to produce a much higher light output on the same power draw as the standard bulb you replace. This eliminates any stress on the electrical system which is usually associated with high wattage bulbs.

Fitments: Auto bulbs all have a universal code on the type of fitment. This can be seen in the application guide with the different types i.e.. H1, H3, H3C, H4, H4H, H7, H8, H9, H11, HB1, HB3, HB4 and HB5


To determine if a bulb is covered by PIAA's 90 day warranty, check the following table:-

1) If the bulb will not light or does not light to its full intensity :
This is normally due to a faulty internal connection which is covered under warranty.

2) If the glass portion of the bulb has a blister: it has been touched and the oily residue has caused it to overheat.
This is not covered by warranty.

3) If there is a break in the filament (without a puddle or knob at the end of the break):
Bulb was dropped or subject to severe vibration and is not covered by warranty.

4) If the glass portion of the bulb turns grey: It has failed due to low voltage and is not covered by warranty.
Check your connections to make sure that they are not corroded.

5) If the glass portion of the bulb turns white:
This is caused by a gas leak and is covered by warranty.

6) If the filament has worn thin and broken:
The bulb is worn out and is not covered by warranty.


Buy PIAA bulbs and LED bulbs online here